Kickoffs and Tags for Tunes aka “Taters & Tags”
A class dedicated to learning how to kick and tag tunes as well as create your own! Join us in learning how to leave a great first and last impression on your instrument.
Fills, Frills & Thrills
The basics on how to fill a space, add frills to your fills and thrill everyone with your frilly fills!
Bluegrass Backup
Learn how to backup using chords, chops and bowing shuffles and how to apply them to any tune.
B for Bluegrass
Don’t be intimidated by the “high lonesome” sound. Come together and learn all the basics of B including chordal strategies, solos, fills and everything in between.
Are you bored with your scales, arpeggios? Or not playing them? You’re doing it wrong. This class is for you.
Fast, Faster, Fastest
Do you ever wish you could play faster? Join this class for tips and tricks on how to improve your speed for those Blazin’ Bluegrass standards.